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Unlock the world of effortless trading with our cutting-edge indicators. Our user-friendly tools empower traders of all levels, making the market accessible to everyone.

The trusted source for consistent decision-making.

A Team of Technology Enthusiasts Dedicated to Progress

With a combined experience of over 12 years in the stock market, we’ve been passionately serving clients for more than 4 years, assisting over 12,000 satisfied customers to date. Our mission is to offer you a high-quality professional service, leveraging our expertise and effort to guide you on the path to becoming a successful trader. Join us and experience the ease of trading with precision tools tailored for your success.

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Smarter, easier & more consistent

Our exclusive smart & unique indicators empower you to pinpoint potential opportunities with optimal risk in real-time, unlocking the secrets of price pattern-based risk management. Whether you manually analyze waves or leverage wave counting automation, incorporating the strength of True Signals indicators & tools into your trading has never been more efficient or straightforward—complete with built-in professional-grade charts.


True Signals is mainly used to predict price changes in the market. By using indicators, you can get confirmation to make market entry and exit decisions as well as improving accuracy and precision.

True Problem

The market isn’t always in a consistent upward or downward trend. It often slows down and consolidates before the next continuation or reversal. Many novice traders try to predict the next profitable move, but often find themselves making multiple losing trades.

True solution

We created a tool that provides indications and helps you prevent a flat market. By using True Signals Indicators you’ll know when to enter and when to exit.

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  • 5 Premium indicator
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  • Fully customisable

Frequent questions

Can i win any trade using this?

No trading strategy or tool guarantees a win in every trade. The financial markets are inherently unpredictable, and various factors can influence price movements. While tools and strategies can enhance decision-making and improve the likelihood of successful trades, there is always an element of risk involved in trading. It’s important to approach trading with a realistic mindset, understanding that losses are a part of the process, and risk management is crucial for long-term success.

What market can i use it with?

True Signals indicators are compatible with any market available on TradingView, including stocks, crypto, forex, futures, and commodities. These indicators seamlessly function on all timeframes, from the shorter intervals like 1m and 5m to the longer ones such as 30m, 1H, 4H, and 1D.


Our tools are designed to be versatile, catering to a variety of trading styles such as scalping, swing trading, investing, and more. They offer valuable technical insights, making them suitable for traders across different preferences and timeframes.

What i'll need to use this?

After acquiring a plan, you’ll receive a prompt containing a link for immediate access to our premium indicators directly on your TradingView charts. The functionality is fully compatible with TradingView’s free plan.


Moreover, you have the option to link your Discord account to join our members’ area. Here, you can benefit from scanner alerts, engage in a comprehensive community experience, and stay updated with active product updates. If you encounter any issues, please email your usernames to support@truesignals.co for assistance.

Can i get a discount code?

Yes, we currently have code “TS10OFF” to save 10% on any plan. You can enter this code during checkout after entering your payment details.


Please note that coupon codes only apply to the first interval of subscriptions. Sale is for a limited time only.


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Trusted reviews from Trustpilot. Visit our Trustpilot page for more reviews.

Ali Perso
Ali Perso

Outstanding indicators and remarkable customer service at True signals, Their products exceeded my expectations, making decision-making a breeze. Highly recommend

Hamza Iteq
Hamza Iteq

Thank you True Signals ” You’ve pushed me further than I thought I could go, and shown me that I can reach my Trading goals if my mind wants it bad enough. Training with you has benefited my perspective in other areas of my life and I feel more empowered than ever before. Thank you for transforming me!


Formation qualitative riche et sérieuse. Une équipe disponible motivante et très impliquée. Des Humains qui nous tirent vers le haut.

Maher Kerkeni
Maher Kerkeni

I am very amazed by the precision of the signals really very happy to use his tools which offer enormous probabilities to each of my trades

varun vora
varun vora

It works very good in Crypto, Forex and Futures.

Zouhir Berrichi
Zouhir Berrichi

great indicator, I am totally satisfied !!

Thierry Ng
Thierry Ng

This indicator is very powerful. It has become an essential tool for me and is definitely a must have.


He comprado el indicador y lo uso para operar el futuro del s&p 500. La verdad tiene una efectividad excelente Me ayudo mucho a recuperar el dinero perdido Y el soporte es 100

jalil Jalil
jalil Jalil

Indicateur super puissant de part ça prĂ©cision et son efficacitĂ©, je suis très content de pouvoir l'utiliser, cela a amĂ©liorĂ© mon trading, merciii a vous🤑🤑.

h Pose
h Pose

Amazing tool for trading, assuming one knows the trading basics already. Really satisified and will countinue using this for long time.

Mouna hmihem
Mouna hmihem

He's helped me a lot, especially since he's doing the analysis and preaching me the right access areas. Thank you for your great work and who wants to make sure I have some pictures of all my profits with this indicator In addition, Yes, he helped me a lot in the tests of my forexfunds After you were a loser, $800 is now without loss.

Testimonial Disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and are not a guarantee of future performance or success.

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